A dense network of medical facilities.

Private hospitals
There are 35 private hospitals in Austria, 7 of them are located in Vienna. Apart from the extraordinary service and lovely surrounding, these facilities offer the choice to be treated by your own chosen doctor. Here, the best of them are able to treat their patients with the latest technology and methods without delay.
Some of these hospitals are specialized. Some offer a wide field of expertise. All of them posses a high degree of service quality and the aim for high customer satisfaction. According to our philosophy, we first generate a highly individual medical examination and therapy program and recommend the appropriate team of doctors and specialists. Only thereafter do we look for the most suitable medical facility, which meets the patient’s requirements. That way, we guarantee the patient to be the number one priority.
Public hospitals
The main target of rehabilitation is to give the patient the possibility to master his day–to–day life. As recovery relies on both body and spirit, most of the 70 rehabilitation centers are located throughout the beautiful Austrian countryside, offering a wide variety of services.
Most reasons for a stay in a rehabilitation center are either neurologic or orthopedic. Although the recovery time after a surgery is mostly done in the preplanned time, neurologic diseases often require prolonged stays in these centers. Therefore, most facilities encourage relatives to visit or escort their family members. Some of them even offer exclusive apartments for the escorting relatives.